Sunday, February 19, 2012

Why I am doing this

I thought of this project partly because my family already does stuff like it and partly because I am interested in money-free systems. I am hoping to make a money-free market for my project.      

The point of economy of joy is that you give something out of love instead of  expecting something back. Economy of joy is one way of doing a decentralized system.

This is a diagram of a centralized system. The little dots mean how much money they have. The bigger the more money. The little lines show who they trade with. They all add up to the people in the middle. In this system people think that their value depends on how much money they have.

This is a diagram of a decentralized system. There isn't a group of centre people. Instead everyone just shares with whoever they want. You can tell how much people are worth by how nice they are. It does not have anything to do with what they can trade or money.

In my family we get no birthday presents at our parties, just cards, and we like it (we still give presents to family and friends and give out party favours). We are unschooled. (Unschooling is where you do not go to school and you have more choice, we learn from life.) I love unschooling. Unschooling is decentralized learning.



  1. Dear Rhiannon, we absolutely love your blog, and your beautiful thoughts!! Right up our family's alley :). Sending you a big hug. Love, Tanya and the gang xoxoxox

  2. sending you love and hugs to xoxo

  3. Hi Rhiannon,
    I love your blog and I love your thoughts that you have written here. "Unschooling is decentralized learning" - now, that's just awesome :) Maybe one day I will meet you somewhere and you can tell me about your unschooled life. My son is 4 years old and we are starting our own unschooling adventure!
    All the best to you,

  4. that's great!
    we have something we do called (f)unschool and we just go out in the woods and have fun(near parents).

  5. Hey Rhiannon, my name is Rosie I'm 17 and I live in England. I came to your blog through your Mum's. I think you have some great ideas, and you're obviously a very smart girl. I hope that the world listens to you, and maybe soon the whole Earth will be running on Joy rather than bits of paper and metal! I plan to unschool my children when I have them, I think what your family does is amazing! Good luck with the Economy of Joy! Lots of love from England, Rosie xx


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