Friday, February 24, 2012

the money-free-Valintines-market in Vancoover

On Feb 12, we went to the money-free-valentines-market, we were a-few minutes early so we went to Turks at the park on commercial drive(it's a good coffee shop)we had not seen anything yet.This is me writing my questions I asked Robin (the one who organized the money-free market) for the interview.  

This is the kissing booth where you can get a free kiss. This dog is hoping for a kiss, or maybe giving them. 
This is the money free market. many nice people are here. 
This is a picture of the lanterns Tali and I made for the money free market(we didn't make the magazines!) 
This is Tali and I at the camera having our picture taken by Keiran.  
This is Pappa Tali and I. I am writing my E-mail address in Keiran's address book so he can E-mail me my picture. 
This is Tali and I choosing stuff to take home. I chose a stuffed pig, hair elastics and food.
This is me getting organic potatoes and beets from Sema. 
The potatoes and beets were very muddy because they came straight from the farm .
This is me with the heavy basket of potatoes, beets and colaflower.
Here is me thanking Eli for the food he made. He made cooked vegggies. 
This is a sign that is saying love is better than money. And this is true.


  1. It's so great to see you on the web, Rhiannon! I enjoy reading about your interest in alternative economies. I'm looking forward to what you write next. :)

  2. hi rhiannon!! i love to hear what you have to say !! love sorcha

  3. Thank you so much!those are great comments.

  4. Hello Rhiannon,

    What a wonderful entry about a different type of economy. We love how you are interested in issues that are so important in the world.

    We look forward to your next post!

    Nicholas, Liliana and Lois

  5. Hi Rhiannon
    People are getting more socially aware that they need to look after each other more. Thank you for your great blog. Love Rowan

  6. I am looking forward to my next post to!


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