Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Economy of Joy in Plants

Recently while I water the garden I have been seeing Economy of Joy in plants. It is in all plants but it is Especially noticeable in rhubarb.

If rain is falling everywhere the rhubarb leaf is sort of like a Venn diagram. "O.P." stands for "other plants" and "P." stands for "plant". If the rain lands on the plant part of the Venn diagram it will go into the hole at the bottom of the leaf and feed the plant who owns the leaf. If the water lands on the other plants part of the leaf the water will go off the edge of the leaf to the other plants. If it lands in the middle of the Venn diagram it could go either way.

I think it is really awesome to think about how if plants do economy of joy naturally, does that mean that humans might do it naturally too?

Look around your garden (if you have one) for other plants that do economy of joy.
post your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.


  1. This is so great, Rhiannon! I never noticed it before but it's totally true. :)

  2. Christina Atkinson23 July 2014 at 09:48

    Beautiful observation Rhiannon. Amazing how how observing and noticing nature with such intent can help us notice and observe ourselves a little more. I have never thought of this particular observation you have noticed. Thank you for sharing. So insightful.


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